
Senin, 03 Desember 2012

DRUG ABUSE !!!!!!!!!!!

When considering, "what is drug abuse?" one should remember drug abuse is not the same thing as drug dependence or drug addiction. Drug dependence or addiction indicates a psychological or physical dependence on the drug to function. Drug dependence requires the symptoms of withdrawal if the drug is discontinued, where as drug abuse does not. The National Institute on Drug Abuse indicates the following risk factors for developing drug abuse problems (typically seen in adolescence):2 1. Unstable home environment, often due to drug abuse or mental illness of the parent 2. Poor relationship with parents 3. Inadequate supervision over adolescent's activities 4. Use of drugs by friends / peers 5. Permissive attitude towards their own drug use and the drug use of the adolescent 6. Behavioral problems combined with poor parenting 7. Poor achievement in school, etc. Effect of Drug Abuse on the Body A person who abuses drugs may not realize they have a problem until pronounced effects of drug abuse are seen, often physically. While drug abuse effects on the body vary depending on the drug used, all drug abuse negatively impacts one's health. Common effects of drug abuse on the body include sleep changes and decreased memory and cognitive abilities. Other common physical problems include:1 2 1. Abnormal vital signs like respiration, heart rate and blood pressure 2. Chest or lung pain 3. Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain 4. Skin can be cool and sweating or hot and dry 5. Diseases such as hepatitis B or C, or HIV from needle-sharing 6. Impotence 7. More frequent illnesses 8. Frequent hangovers, blackouts Psychological Drug Abuse Effects One of the primary effects of drug abuse can be found within the definition of drug abuse itself: an increasing, intense desire to use the drug above all else. Drug craving can shift a person's entire mental focus to obtaining the drug. Side effects of drug abuse then include preoccupation with where to get the drug, how to get money for the drug, and where and when the drug can be used. Psychological drug abuse effects commonly include changes in mood. A person may be anxious, thinking about when they can next use the drug, or depressed due to drug side effects. Other psychological drug abuse side effects include: 1. Aggressiveness or irritability 2. Selfishness 3. Hopelessness 4. Lack of pleasure from previously enjoyed activities 5. Pressuring others into doing drugs and now, say no to drugs... love your body. . . REFERENCE: http://www.healthyplace.com/addictions/drug-addiction

4 komentar:

  1. please explain to me how drugs can damage the human body?

  2. Assalamu'alaykum....
    what kind the drugs as you know...??

    1. in medical, drugs used to pain during operation,reduce anxiety(ecstasy), treat a cancer (marijuana), and etc.

  3. Assalamu'alaikum, you said that smoking can change decrease cognitive , can you make example?
